Annual Meetings:
These meetings will set the framework for efficient coordination and communication among the partners to design, manage, support, and promote all project activities, including capacity building, training, research, and development of funding proposals. View more
Virtual Training by UCL and Chalmers:
Preparatory virtual training sessions hosted by UCL and Chalmers will be 2-day intensive sessions on different major topics in EBDP to provide the basis for more effective implementation of subsequent activities and familiarize UCY staff and students with the key frameworks and methodologies of the leading institutions. View more
Long-term Training Placements:
Long-term training placements of UCY PhD students and ESRs will be held at UCL and Chalmers to provide access to advanced education, scientific infrastructure, and direct involvement in the research and educational activities of the leading institutions. View more
Industry Internships:
UCY PhD students and young researchers will participate in industry internships at Space Syntax Limited to receive professional mentoring and training through working on real-life development projects. View more
Staff Exchanges:
UCY faculty will participate in academic visits to each of the advanced partner institutions for knowledge and skill transfer and to enhance collaboration on specific projects. View more
Summer Workshops on EBDP:
Intensive summer workshops on EBDP will be held at UCY to provide training to students and researchers on GIS, spatial analysis, space syntax methodology, and integrated urban modelling. View more
Working Groups Studios:
Working groups studios will be thematic and held at each partner institution to achieve research and scientific excellence of UCY, with a focus on developing a scientific and organizational strategy for the Society and Urban Form Lab. View more
Furthering collaboration:
Joint development of funding proposals and identification of new opportunities for collaboration: The working groups will review UCY team's previous funding proposals and work towards improving them, while mapping opportunities for new collaborative proposals. View more
International Thematic Symposium:
A high-profile symposium on the implementation of EBDP to achieve sustainable urban development in Cyprus and the EMME region, to be held at UCY. View more
Stakeholder Engagement Symposium:
Stakeholder meetings will provide the project with input and feedback from all interested parties, including practitioners, local authorities, policy-makers and legislative bodies. These meetings will help attune the project activities to real-world world challenges and foster the uptake of EBDP in Cyprus.